In just four weeks we have made an perfect example what could be done to print faster and larger, however, we haven’t been able to test our rig thoroughly. In this blog post we will summarize our results subject by … Continue reading

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In collaboration with Joris van Tubergen we explored the possibilities of combining multiple ultimakers to create a bigger platform to print on. In order to prove the concept of this our goal was to connect to ultimakers with a … Continue reading

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The sciencefair is up and running and we have a completed model to show! Here you can see the timelapse movie of the printing part: [youtube][/youtube]
Science Fair
Two Printers

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We seem to be succeeding in our plan! We have two printers, printing one model! But…the layerthickness between the printers is uneven. We have some things to work on, but we hope to be able to give you a big … Continue reading
Printing our Bigger Model

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The sciencefair is getting closer and closer and we are working on solving all the problems that we encounter. This morning we were able to let one printer, print his part. We could load the 3D model and with the … Continue reading
Update of our plans
So far we achieved some of our goals. For now we are able to let the two ultimakers communicate! The table shifts after both nozzles are done printing. After the shift the nozzles print the rest of the line; finishing … Continue reading
Plans for the science fair
At the science fair in two weeks we hope to be able to show that it’s possible to print bigger than 21 by 21 cm. without getting slow or inaccurate.. We will try to print a model of about 70 … Continue reading

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In order to get several Ultimakers to print one object it is required for each machine to communicate, at least to a limited degree, what it is doing. For instance, the Z-axis (vertical) movement can only be done once all … Continue reading
G-code, what it is and how it works

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G-code is the language the Ultimakers use. This code consists of steps the machine can execute. But what do we need to adjust and why? Every cnc (computer numeric controlled) machine needs to know how to move, how fast etc. … Continue reading